The Baobab 3Pce Suite
Only available in Fabric.
Prices From : R 20 495.00
This contemporary suite is upholstered in carefully selected high-end fabric that is both tasteful and plush to the human touch.
The suite is designed with comfort in mind, and the seating area utilises a good quality high-density foam.
The arms and backrests are fi lled with fi bre for added plushness and relaxation.
The sturdy frame is a combination of Pine, Saligna and Particle Board providing industry-leading strength and support.
Zig Zag springs, together with the added layer of our unique Cozy Coil spring system embedded in the foam, creates unmatched comfort and support.
High backrests provide ideal back and neck support for even the tallest person.
3 Seater H 1050mm W 2180mm D 940mm
2 Seater H 1050mm W 1630mm D 940mm
Single Chair H 1050mm W 1070mm D 940mm